Jumat, 21 Januari 2011

Sample questions for those of you who are interested in algebra.

Unit 1
1. Multiply and simplify by factoring: a) √( 15x2y) √
( 6y2) ( √ is square root)
Step1: Multiply the two radicands together. √
( 15x2y) √( 6y2) = √(90 x2y3)
Step2: Write √(90 x2y3) as the product of a
perfect square = √(9x 2y2 )√(10y)
Step3: Take the square root of the radicand that is
a perfect square = 3xy √(10y)
2. State whether each number is rational,
irrational, or complex.
a) -5/6 rational b) 8.93 rational (repeating) rational
d) √ 6 irrational e) 5.2323 rational f) 3 + 4i complex
Note: Although not usually done so, a) b) c) d)
and e) can be thought of as a complex number
a + bi where b = 0.
3. Multiply: (2 – 3i)(2 + 3i)
Step1: 4 -6i + 6i – 9i2
Step2: Remember that i2 = -1
Step3: 4 -6i + 6i – 9i2 = 4 – 9 (-1) = 4 + 9 = 13
4. Find the conjugate of 3 - 7i. The conjugate of a
number a + bi is a – bi. Here, a = 3, b = -7 so the
conjugate is 3 – (-7)I = 3 + 7i
5. Divide: (-5 + 9i) by (1 – 2i)
Step1: Write as a fraction (-5 + 9i)/(1-2i)
Step2: Multiply numerator and denominator by (1
+ 2i)
Step3: The numerator becomes (-5 + 9i)(1 + 2i) =
-23 - i
Step4: The denominator becomes (1 -2i)(1 + 2i) =
Step5: = (-23/5) – (1/5)i
6. Expand (3x – 2)6
(x+t)n = nC0xn+nC1xn−1t+nC2xn−2t2+• • •+nCn
Step1: (3x – 2)6 = 6C0(3x)6+6C1(3x)5(-2)+6C2(3x)
4(-2)2+• • •+6C4(3x)2(-2)4+6C5(3x)(-2)5+6C6(-2)6
Step2: nCr = n!/(r!(n-r)!)
Step3: 6C0 = 1, 6C1 = 6 , 6C2 = 15 , 6C3 = 20 , 6C4
= 15 , 6C5 = 6, 6C6 = 1
Step4: (3x – 2)6 = (3x)6+(6)(3x)5(-2)+(15)(3x)4(-2)2
Step5: (3x – 2)6 = 729x6+(6)(243x5)(-2)+(15)(81 x4)
Step6: (3x – 2)6 = 729x6 - 2816x5 + 4860 x4 -
4320 x3 + 2160x2 - 576x + 64
7. Complete the square: Let q(x) = 3x2 - 24x + 50
Step1: a = 3, b = -24, c = 50
Step2: q[u - b/(2a)] = au2 - (b2 – 4ac)/4a
Step3: b/2a = -24/2(3) = -24/6 = -4
Step4: (b2 – 4ac)/4a = [(-24)(-24) – [4(3)(50]/4(3) =
(576 – 600)/12 = -24/12 = -2
Step5: q(u – b/2a) = q[u – (-4 )] q(u +4) = 3u2 –
(-2) = 3u2 +2 q(u+4) = 3u2 +2
Step6: x = u – (b/2a), therefore u = x + (b/2a) u = x
– 4
Step7: q(u + 4) = 3u2 +2 q(x – 4 + 4) = 3u2 +2 q(x)
= 3u2 +2 q(x) = 3 (x – 4)2 + 2
Unit 2
1. Are the following systems of equations
consistent, inconsistent, or dependent (infinitely
many solutions)?
a. 2x – y = 4, 5x – y = 13 b. 6x – 2y = 2, 9x – 3y =
a) 2x – y = 4 can be written as y = 2x – 4, 5x – y =
13 can be written as y = 5x – 13
2x – 4 = 5x – 13 9 = 3x x = 3
(Another way to solve this is to write the first
equation as y = 2x – 4 and substitute in the
second equation 5x – (2x – 4) =13 when you solve
this you also obtain x = 3)
Substituting x = 3 in the first equation we get, 2(3)
– y = 4 6 – y = 4 y = 2
But when we substitute in the second equation,
5(3) – y =13 y = 2
These equations are consistent (and independent).
Answer: consistent
b) If you divide 6x – 2y = 2 by 2 3x – y = 1
If you divide 9x – 3y = 3 by 3 3x – y = 1
Since these equations reduce to the same
equation, they are dependent.
Answer: dependent
2. Solve the set of equations for x and y:
2x – y = -1
3x – 3y = -2
You can use the substitution method.
y = 2x + 1 and substitute in 3x – 3y = -2 3x - 3(2x +
1) = -2
3x -6x -3 = -2 -3x -3 =-2 -3x = 1, x = -1/3
Substituting in y = 2x + 1 y = -2 (1/3) + 1 y = -2/3 +
1 y = 1/3
Answer: x = -1/3, y = 1/3
3. If
write a formula for x in terms of A, B, C, D, E, and
Solution: G(Bx + C) = A(Ex – F) è GBx + GC = AEx –
AF è GC + AF = AEx – GBx
GC + AF = (AE – GB)x è Divide each side of the
equation by (GC + AF)
Answer: x = (GC + AF)/( AE – GB)
4. A third-order determinant can be defined by:
a1 b1 c1
a2 b2 c2
a3 b3 c3
= a1 times
b2 c2
b3 c3
- a2 times
b1 c1
b3 c3
+ a3 times
b1 c1
b2 c2
Find the value of the determinant:
-1 -2 -3
3 4 2
0 1 2
(-1) times
4 2
1 2
-(3) times
-2 -3
1 2
Unit 3
1. If f(x) = (125y3 – 8) and g(x) = (5y – 2), find f(x)/
Answer: 25y2 + 10y + 4
2. When (x3 +9x2 - 5) is divided by (x2 – 1), find
the value of the quotient and the remainder.
Answer: quotient is x + 9 and remainder is x + 4
3. When (x2 – 3x +2k) is divided by x + 2, the
remainder is 7. Find the value of k.
Quotient: x - 5
Divisor: x + 2
Dividend: x2 – 3x +2k
x2 +2x
-5x + 2k
-5x – 10
Remainder: 2k + 10
2k + 10 = 7 2k = -3, k = -3/2
Answer: k = -3/2
4. Show that the triangle whose vertices are A =
(-1, 2), B = (4, -3), and C = (5, 3) is an isosceles
Use the distance formula: d = √[(x2 – x1)2 + (y2 –
AB = √50, BC = √37, AC = √37
Since 2 sides are equal, the triangle is isosceles.
5. Quadrilateral PQRS has vertices P = (-1, 3), Q =
(2, 3), R = (3, -4), and S = (-3, -3). What are the
coordinates of the vertices if it is translated by the
x’ = x – 1, y’ = y + 2?
Solution: This is demonstrated for 1 translation: P:
x = -1, y = 3
x ’ = x – 1 x’ = -1 – 1 = -2
y’ = y + 2 y’ = 3 + 2 = 5
P’: (x’, y’) = (-2, 5)
Answer: P’ = (-2, 5), Q’ = (1, 5) , R’ = (2, -2), S’ =
(-4, -1)
6. The x, y coordinate system is translated in
such a way that the origin Q of the new system
is (-3, -1).
a. What are the transformation equations?
Answer: x’ = x + 3, y’ = y + 1
b. Point A (3,4) in the original system is equivalent
to what coordinates in the new system?
Use the same method as in example 5.
Answer: (6, 5)
c. Point B (3, -2) in the new system is equivalent
to what coordinates in the original system?
x ’ = x + 3 3 = x + 3 è x = 0
y’ = y + 1 -2 = y + 1 è y = -3
Answer: (0, -3)
7. Town A is in a French-speaking country and
town B is in an English speaking country. They
are 100 miles apart and connected by a straight
road. When giving directions to a point on the
road between them the people in town A will say
that it "x km from here "(i.e. from town A) while
the people in town B will say that it is "x ' miles
from here" (i.e. from town B). Thus every point
on the road has an x- coordinate given it by town
A and an x' coordinate given it by town B.
(For this problem 8 km = 5 miles)
a. If the border is 30 miles from town A the
people in town B will say that it is "___________
miles from here".
b. Give a general formula for calculating the x
' (miles from B) coordinate in terms of the x (km
from A) coordinate. x ' = ______________ * x + _______
Assume that the relation between the two
coordinate systems (x for the A-people and x ′
for the B-people) is x ′ = px + q.
Note the fact that the A-town itself would have
coordinates x = 0 and x ′ = 100. Thus, we have
100 = p(0) + q q = 100.
Similarly, for the B-town, we have x ′ = 0 and x
= 160 (100 miles = 160 km). So, 0 = p(160) + 100
where we have used the known value of q. Thus
p = -100/160 = -5/8 and the formula is:
Answer: x ′ = (-5/8)x + 100
Now the given border is 30 miles from A, so it is
70 miles from B.
Thus the border has x ′ = 70. The question (a)
was actually asking only this much!
We do more. The x-coordinate for the border
(distance in km from A) is found by solving:
70 = ( -5/8)x + 100 x = 48 The border is 48 km
from A
Unit 4
1. Write parametric equations for 2x + 4y = 11.
Write 2x + 4y = 11 as 4y = -2x + 11 y = (-1/2)x +
Let x = t and substitute in y y = (-1/2)x + 11/4 y =
(-1/2)(t) + 11/4 y = (11 -2t)/4
Answer: x = t and y = (11- 2t)/4
2. Find the x- and y-intercepts of the equation: y =
(2/5) x - 2
The equation is already in the slope-intercept
form so the y-intercept is -2
To find the x-intercept let y=0 and solve for x 0 =
(2/5) x – 2 2 = (2/5) x x = 5
Answer: x-intercept is 5 and y-intercept is -2
3. Write an equation in slope-intercept form of the
line whose parametric equations are x = 3t - 4
and y = -t + 8.
Write y = -t + 8 as t = 8 - y and substitute in x =
3t – 4 x = 3(8 – y) - 4 x = 24 – 3y -4
x = 20 – 3y 3y = -x + 20 y = (-1/3)x +20/3 in slope-
intercept form
Answer: y = (-1/3)x + 20/3
4. The midpoint of a line-segment is (-1, 2). One
end of the segment is (-5,-3). Find the coordinates
of the other end of the segment.
Use the midpoint formula xM = (1/2)(x1 + x2), yM
= (1/2)(y1 + y2)
The coordinates of the other endpoint are (x2,y2)
-1 = ½(-5 + x2) -2 = -5 + x2 x2 = 3
2 = ½(-3 + y2) 4 = -3 + y2 y2 = 7
Answer: (3, 7)
5. Find the coordinates of the point which is 3/4
of the distance from the point (2, 3) to the point
(6, -5).
x = a1 + t(a2-a1), y=b1 + t(b2-b1) and use t=3/4
x = 2 + (3/4)(6-2) x = 2 + (3/4)(4) = 5
y = 3 + (3/4)(-5-3) = 3 + (3/4)(-8) = -3
The point is (5,-3)
To check, find the distance between (2,3) and
(5-3) and the distance between (2,3) and (6,-5).
When you simplify the radicals, the distance
between (2,3) and (5-3) is 3 √5 while the distance
between (2,3) and (6,-5) is 4√5.
Answer: (5,-3)
6. What is the slope-intercept equation of the line
that contains the point (3, 4) and is perpendicular
to the line y = 1/3x – 6?
The slope of the line y = 1/3x – 6 is 1/3 so the
slope of the perpendicular line will be -3.
Use the point slope formula, where (3,4) is on the
new line.
y – y1 = m(x – x1) y – 4 = -3(x - 3) y – 4 = -3x +9
y = -3x + 15
Answer: y = -3x + 15
7. Find the equation of the line whose x-intercept
is -3 and y-intercept is 2.
Use the intercepts formula: x/p + y/q = 1 where
(p,0) and (0, q) are the intercepts.
(x/-3) + y/2 = 1 -2x + 3y = 6
Answer: -2x + 3y = 6
8. Find the equation of a line through the points
(5,3) and (1,7) in the slope-intercept form.
Use the equation y2-y1=m(x2-x1)
7-3 = m(1-5) 4 = -4m m = -1
Substituting the point (5,3) in the formula y - y1=
m(x-x1) y-3=-1(x-5) y-3=-x+5
y = -x + 8
Answer: y = -x + 8
9. Consider the parametric Line 1: x = t+1, y = −3t
+1 and another Line 2: x = −2s + 4, y = −s + 1.
Find their common point.
Write the two implied equations for the common
t + 1 = −2s + 4 and − 3t + 1 = −s + 1.
Solve the two equations for s and t. We get t =
3/7 and s = 9/7.
Substitute t = 3/7 in the parametric equations of
Line 1: x = t + 1, y = −3t + 1
x = (3/7) + 1 x = 10/7
y = -3(3/7) + 1 = -9/7 + 1 = -2/7
Answer: The point is (10/7, -2/7)
10. Consider the parametric line: x=3 t+3, y=t+2.
Determine the slope-intercept equation for the
same line.
Make a suitable combination of the two equations
to eliminate the parameter:
x = 3t + 3 x = 3t + 3
-3(y = t + 2) -3y = -3t - 6
x – 3y = -3 x + 3 = 3y y = (1/3)x + 1
Answer: y = (1/3)x + 1
Unit 5
1. If f(x) = 2x3 -3x2 + 1 find:
a. f(-1)
f(-1) = 2(-1) 3 – 3(-1) 2 + 1 = 2(-1) – 3(1) + 1 = -2 – 3
+ 1 = -4
b. f(3)
f(3) = 2(3) 3 – 3(3) 2 + 1 = 2(27) – 3(9) + 1 = 28
c. f(0)
f(0 = 2(0) 3 – 3(0) 2 + 1 = 0 – 0 + 1 = 1
2. What is the value of ceil (3.7)? ceil (-3.7)?
ceil(x) = n if n − 1 < x ≤ n for integer n
ceil(3.7) = 4
ceil(-3.7) = -3
3. A rental car company charges $32 a day plus $
0.20 a mile.
a. Write an equation that describes the function
for this situation.
f(x) = 32 + .20x
b. Find the charge when the returned car was
driven 200 miles in one day.
f(x) = 32 + .20x = 32 + .20 (200) = 32 + 40
Answer: $72
4. Find the inverse function.
a. y = f(x) = 5x + 1
Solve the equation y = f(x) for x and then replace
y by x.
y = 5x + 1 x = (y – 1)/5
Replace y by x y = (x – 1)/5
Answer: y = (x – 1)/5
b. y = f(x) = (x-2)2
y = (x - 2)2 ± √y = x – 2 x = ±√y + 2
Replace y by x
Answer: y = ± √x + 2 or y = 2 ± √x
5. Find the equation of a circle where P (1,3) and
Q (4,7) are the endpoints of a diameter.
Method A:
The center must be the midpoint of PQ. Midpoint
is (5/2, 5)
The radius must be half the diameter. Calculate
the distance from (5/2, 5) to one of the points.
The distance is 5/2
Equation is (x – (5/2))2 + (y – 5)2 = 25/4
x2 – 5x + 25/4 + y2 - 10y + 25 = 25/4 x2 – 5x + y2
- 10y + 25 = 0
Answer: x2 – 5x + y2 - 10y + 25 = 0
Method B:
Use the diameter form of circle: (x − a1)(x − a2) +
(y − b1)(y − b2) = 0,
where P = (a1, b1), Q= (a2, b2)
(x − a1)(x − a2) + (y − b1)(y − b2) = 0
(x − 1)(x − 4) + (y − 3)(y − 7) = 0 x2 -5x + 4 + y2
-10y +21 = 0
x2 - 5x + y2 - 10y + 25 = 0
6. Find the center and radius of circle x2 +y2 + 4x
– 6y - 3 = 0
Complete the square.
x2 +y2 + 4x – 6y - 3 = 0 x2 + 4x + y2 – 6y = 3 ( x2
+ 4x + 4) + (y2 – 6y +9) = 3 + 4 + 9 (x + 2)2 + (y -
3)2 = 16
Answer: Center is (-2, 3) with radius 4
7. A Pythagorean triple is a sequence of three
integers (a,b,c) such that a2+b2=c2. So each
Pythagorean triple corresponds to a right triangle
whose sides are all of integer length. For example
(3,4,5) is a Pythagorean triple since 32+42=52. It is
easy to check that if s and t are integers that are
both odd or both even then (s2-t2)/2, s t, (s 2 +t
2)/2 is a Pythagorean triple. Thus s=3 and t=1
gives the Pythagorean triple (4, 3, 5). T he triple
obtained from s=13 and t=1 is (84, 13, 85).
a. Find the Pythagorean triple that corresponds to
s=37, t=1
Substitute s=37, t=1 in the formula for the triple:
(s2-t2)/2, s t, (s 2 +t 2)/2
Answer: The numbers are 37, 684, 685.
You can check that these are correct. 372 + 6842
= 6852
b. Find the values of s and t corresponding the
Pythagorean triple (84, 13, 85).
Solving (s2-t2)/2 = 84 and (s 2 +t 2)/2 = 85 2s2 =
338 s2 = 169 s = 13
Substitute in s t = 13 (the middle number) t = 1
Answer: s = 13, t = 1
8. Find the equation of a parabola through the
points (1, 0), (2,-3), and (0,5).
The formula for a parabola is y = ax2 + bx + c
Substituting the coordinates of the 3 points, you
obtain 3 simultaneous equations.
0 = a + b + c
-3 = 4a + 2b + c
5 = c
You can use Cramer ’s Rule to solve these
equations. a = 1, b = -6, c = 5
Answer: The equation is y = x2 – 6x + 5
9. Is the point P (3, 4) inside, outside or on the
circle with equation (x + 2)2 + (y - 3)2 = 9?
First find the distance from the center of the circle
to point P.
From the equation of the circle, the center C is at
(-2, 3), and the radius r = 3.
Find the distance from C to P.
d = √([3 - (-2)] 2 + [4 - 3]2) = √(52 +12) = √(26)
which is approximately equal to 5.1.
Since this distance is greater than the radius 3, the
point is outside the circle.
Answer: outside the circle
10. Find the line joining the intersection points of
the two circles:
x2 + y2 -7x - 2y +7 = 0 and 3x2 +3y2 -7x + y = 0
Method A:
Rewrite the first equation as:
3x2 + 3y2 -21x - 6y + 21 = 0
3x2 +3y2 -7x + y = 0
Subtracting, you get: -14x – 7y = -21 y = -2x + 3
Answer: y = -2x + 3
Method B:
To check, you can substitute this in one of the
x2 + y2 -7x - 2y +7 = 0 x2 + (-2x + 3)2 -7x – 2(-2x
+ 3) +7 = 0
x2 + 4x2 -12x + 9 -7x + 4x -6 + 7 = 0 x2 – 3x + 2 =
Solving this equation: x = 2, x = 1
Substitute these values and solve for y.
The coordinates of the two intersection points are
(2, -1) and (1,1).
Now you can write the equation of the line
through these points.
m = (y2 – y1)/(x2 – x1) = (-1 -1)/(2-1) = -2
The equation of a line through a point is y – y1 =
m (x2 –x1)
Use the slope m= -2 and one of the points, i.e. (1,
y – 1 = -2(x – 1) y -1 = -2x + 2 y = -2x + 3
Unit 6
1. Write the equation of circle passing through
points (7, 1), (-1,-5), and (6,2).
The equation of a circle is in the form x2 + y2 + ax
+ by + c =0
Substituting the values of the coordinates we get
3 simultaneous equations:
-a -5b +c = -26
7a + b + c = -50
6a + 2b +c = -40
You can subtract the second equation from the
first and eliminate variable c.
You can subtract the third equation from the
second and eliminate variable c.
-8a - 6b = 24
a – b = -10
-8a – 6b = 24
6a – 6b = -60
Subtracting the second equation -14a = 84 a = -6
Substituting for b: a – b = -10 (-6) – b = -10 b = 4
Substituting for a and b: -a -5b +c = -26 6 -20 + c
= -26 c = -12
The equation of the circle is x2 + y2 + ax + by + c
= 0 x2 + y2 - 6x + 4y - 12 = 0
Complete the square for the equation to be in
circle/radius form.
(x2 - 6x) + (y2 + 4y) = 12 (x2 - 6x + 9) + (y2 + 4y +
4) = 12 + 9 + 4
(x- 3)2 + (y + 2)2 = 25
Answer: (x- 3)2 + (y + 2)2 = 25
2. Find the equation of the circle which is centered
at (3,5) and which has the line x + y = 2 as a
Find the slope of the line L: x + y = 2 y = -x + 2 m
= -1
The slope of L ’ is 1 (since L and L’ are
The equation will be y = x + b
Since the point (3, 5) will be on this line, substitute
the values 5 = 3 + b b = 2
The equation of line L ’ is y = x + 2
To find where L and L’ meet on the circle, solve
the simultaneous equations
x + y = 2 and y = x + 2 The point of tangency is at
(0 , 2).
The distance between the center of the circle and
the point of tangency is equal to the radius r of
the circle and is given by the distance from (3, 5)
to (0, 2).
d = √(3 – 0)2 + (5 - 2)2 = √(9 + 9) = √18
Equation of the circle is (x - 3) 2 + (y - 5) 2 = 18
Answer: (x - 3) 2 + (y - 5) 2 = 18
3. If L is the line given by the equation y = -2 -2x,
are A(-2,-5) and B(4,-3) on the same side of the
line? or are they on opposite sides of the line?
Write the equation of the line y = -2 -2x in
standard form ax + by + c = 0 2x + y + 2 = 0
For any point P(x, y) we can evaluate the
expression f(x,y) = 2x + y + 2. Obviously, it
evaluates to 0 on the line itself. f(x,y) keeps a
constant sign on one side of the line.
Evaluating the point A(-2,-5), f(x,y) = 2(-2) + (-5) +
2 = -7
Evaluating the point B(4,-3), f(x,y) = 2(4) + (-3) + 2
= 7
Answer: A and B are on opposite side of the line
4. If L is the line given by the equation y = -2 -2x,
are C(4, -17) and D(5, -19) on the same side of the
line? or are they on opposite sides of the line?
Evaluating the point C(4, -17), f(,y) = 2(4) + (-17)
+2 = -7
Evaluating the point D(5, -19), f(x,y) = 2(5) + (-19)
+ 2 = -7
Answer: C and D are on opposite sides of the line
5. The line L is given parametrically by the
equations x(t) = 3t + 4, y(t) = 4t + 7 and C is the
circle of radius 10 with center at (4,7).
a. What are the values of the parameter t which
correspond to the points on L at which L meets
The equation of the circle is (x – 4)2 + (y – 7)2 =
100 x2 -8x + 16 + y2 – 14y + 49 = 100
x2 - 8x + y2 – 14y = 35 Since L meets the circle,
you can substitute x(t) = 3t + 4, y(t) = 4t + 7
(3t + 4)2 – 8(3t + 4) + (4t + 7)2 – 14(4t + 7) = 35
25t2 = 100 t2 = 4 t = 2, t = -2
Answer: t = 2, t = -2
b. What are the points of intersection of the line L
and the circle C? Be sure to give both coordinates
for each.
When t = 2 x(t) = 3(2) + 4, y(t) = 4(2) + 7 x = 10, y
= 15
When t = -2 x(t) = 3(-2) + 4, y(t) = 4(-2) + 7 x = -2,
y = -1
Answer: (10, 15) and (-2, -1)
6. Find the distance from the point (1, 1) to the line
3x – 3y + 1 = 0 .
The distance from (p, q) to ax + by + c = 0 is (|ap
+ bq + c|)/ √(a2 + b2) for point (p, q)
For the line 3x – 3y + 1, a = 3, b = -3, c = 1, p =1,
Substituting in the formula (|(3)(1) + (-3)(1) + 1|)/√
(32 + (-32)
1/ √18 √18/18 = 3√2/18 = √2/6
Answer: √2/6
7. Simplify the following expression. [1 - sin 4x] /
[1 + sin 2x]
[1 - sin 4x] / [1 + sin 2x] [(1 - sin2x) (1 + sin2x)]/ (1 +
sin2x) 1 - sin2x = cos2x
Answer: cos2x
8. A bicycle traveled a distance of 100 meters.
The diameter of the wheel of this bicycle is 40
cm. Find the number of rotations of the wheel (to
the nearest whole number).
For every one rotation of the wheel, the bicycle
moves a distance equal to the circumference of
the wheel. The circumference C of the wheel is
given by the formula C = πd C = 40π cm
The number of rotations N of the wheel is
obtained by dividing the total distance traveled,
100 meters = 10000 cm, by the circumference.
N = 10000 cm/40 π cm = 80 rotations (rounded
to the nearest unit)
Answer: 80 rotations
9. Simplify the following trigonometric
expression: [sec(x) sin 2x] / [1 + sec(x)]
Substitute sec (x) that is in the numerator by 1/
cos (x) and simplify.
[sec(x) sin 2x] / [1 + sec(x)] = sin 2x / [cos x (1 +
sec (x)] = sin 2x / [cos x + 1]
Substitute sin 2x by 1 - cos 2x, factor and
= [1 - cos 2x] / [cos x + 1] = [(1 - cos x)(1 + cos x)]
/ [cos x + 1] = 1 - cos x
Answer: 1 - cos
10. From a distance of 1753 feet the top of a
tower forms an angle of 40 degrees with the
ground. What is the height of the tower (to the
nearest foot)?
(sin 40 degrees = .6428, cos 40 degrees = .7660,
tan 40 degrees = .8391 ).
tan 40° = x/1753 .8391 = x/1753 x = (.8391)( 1753)
= 1471 feet
Answer: 1471 feet

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